Where the Secret Began in Ice
Float glass panels, stones, cement blocks, mirrors, dimensions variable
Video projection, 18 minutes 45 seconds

Xenophora I
Driftwood, mussel shells, oyster shells, fish bones, beach glass, rock conglomerates, epoxy clay, acrylic paint
61 x 91 x 152 cm

Xenophora II
Driftwood, glass, epoxy, acrylic paint
58 x 48 x 76 cm

I Was Once Like You
Earthenware with local clay
48 x 38 x 94 cm

Precarious Coalition
Fused glass, furnace chain, LED lightbox
60 x 122 cm, height variable

Ardor for Unconformity
Solo exhibition @ The Biennale nationale de sculpture contemporaine, Québec, Canada

An unconformity in the realm of geology is a physical sign of a break in time. The exhibition contemplates unconformities with disparate matters, varied temporal devices and narratives. The works continue a line of inquiry developed in the artist’s book Ardor for Unconformity and are all crafted with locally sourced and recycled materials during a five-week residency in Trois-Rivières in 2024. Spanning video installation, ceramic, glass and mixed-medium sculptures, the presentation delves into discontinuity in senses, knowledge, and interpretations of worlds beneath and beyond our existence.
© Shuyi Cao 2024